EHS IoT technology

Good safety Behavior habits formed by safety sign awareness

The EHS PPE System Components

The Safetycard above all enhances personal safety in the workplace. This is achieved by training good safety habits which starts at observing your environment, and paying attention to the safety signs. The company benefits by lowering safety incidents, reducing non compliance and costs with OSHA, workman’s comp and litigation assisted by full record keeping of all events and interaction with signs

Nobody is happy unless the Safety Officer is happy!

The Safety Officer

Providing the tool for real time tracking and recording of safety events for the Safety Officer (SO) enables the SO to effectively maintain and report records and train responsibility for personal safety. The Safety office can 'tag' for non compliance, and configure additional steps for a period, alert training. Using the BUDDY system, where co-workers assist attention to signs if their Safetycard is flashing for previous non-compliance and get BUDDY Points (system unique) for drawing attention to a sign, bonus BUDDY Points if there is an active non-compliance. (Like not wearing safety glasses), creates a positive interaction between the SO and the workers. The SO can give rewards for BUDDY points. Using the web app, the SO can determine trends in non-compliance and adjust training The Incident tracking system is also used for 'near misses' and feeds into case management for litigation .

The Safetycards are worn by all employees. They can be worn with the security card. The Safetycard electronically marries to the security card, so can be swapped at any time but will still identify the wearer. The Safetycard is always active, monitoring for slip and fall, movement and interactions with Sign Beacons. The battery is monitored by the system and has a very long life, many months, and can we swapped at any time without any reconfiguration.

Sign Beacons
Sign beacons are strategically placed by the Safety officer or company, to alert and train good safety habits. Sign beacon are on signs calling for Personal Protection Equipment PPE , machinary and equipment and checklists. Also placed on wet floor signs and forklift trucks.
See setup and locations of Sign Beacons

Interaction of Safetycards with Sign beacons
Employees wearing Safetycards interact with Sign beacons which creates data transactions that are processed by the AI engine.
See storyboard of company employees with Safetycards

The Buddy System
A key part of training good safety habits is the Buddy System. Peer pressure created the desire to stay in compliance and not have to 'press the sign beacon' when in non-compliance. Employees have a vested interest to keep each other safe, so being a buddy is great, especially when you get buddy points. The systems uses AI to verify Buddy points and being a buddy is not linked to who you help. Also get buddy points for viewing safety videos, attending near miss assesments, and safety meetings.

Slip and Fall
Slip and fall incidents. The Safetycard detector is also active when driving a Forklift or other such vehicle. Overspeed on speed bumps or impact initiates a signal.

For fire and intruder evacuations the Safetycard asists in approximate location and accounting for people as they pass exit signs

Personal Safety

Safety is a choice and accidents can be prevented. All workers want to work safe, and mostly non-compliance comes from simply forgetting. Personal Protection Equipment in factories, hospitals and all types of industry have signs specific to each hazard. By bringing attention to these signs and logging events so behavior can be modified by systematic training with positive reinforcement. If you see a sign 20 times in a period of a week or so, it blends into the background. The Safetycard help with this phenomena by bring attention to the sign in an interactive sequence, and by the SO changing up the interaction, the sign stays relevant.

the safety officer UI
the user interface is key to the SO having visability on a whole new level.

The safety officer can configure and see all events using the EHS IoT technologyweb application. Logging of events and tagging reprimands grows a comprehensive record of behavior. SO can create incidents which attaches events to to a case file. Near misses are created as incidents to analyse for improvement. Filing to OSHA is an easy step. An easy interface for monitoring Safetycards and what is happening with thier interaction with signs is online and available on your smart phone

our advantages
the company workers

Less Safety incidents result in less lost days

The Company compliance

Avoid non compliance with OSHA and costly litigation

The Safety Officer

Provides tools to record and manage communications

Personal Protection Equipment

The Safetycard alerts to signs to wear PPE and assists in evacuations

Safety awareness

Mostly Safety awareness is training. Bringing attention to signs and the SO interacting to help constructive training simply increases safety period.


any reduction in having employees injured at the workplace is worth the time and investment from the company. It in turn benefits the company in so many ways

Here are some interesting facts:
Slip and fall

Slip and fall are the largest component of injury, and most are reported to have happened in a troubled place, not were they actually occurred.

Operator Training

most injuries on equipment, machines and vehicles are linked to inadequate or no training Jumping out of a falling front end loader is a good example, never jump out in the training manual.

NOT! - Big brother watching you

the Safetycard does not do time and attendance it does know your proximary to signs which helps in evacuations etc., but does not link to timecards and the SO does not disclose data from the safety system


Being cyber secure keeps you and the company safe. Ever seen a movie where the operation to getting into the company starts with a cyber-attack. Being Cyber safe keeps you safe. The Safetycard records access and links it to proximity. It does not prevent, but rather alerts to possible cybersecurity events An example case, in a hospital, where a wearer of a stolen security card with an issued Safetycard in an area which was not normally accessed, was highlighted by the system.