EHS IoT technology

Good safety Behavior habits formed by safety sign awareness

EHS communication system

The Safetycard The Safety card will enable school administrators and/or first responders to accurately pinpoint the location of students and staff in an emergency situation.

EHS IoT technology Communications system

The placement of sign beacons at strategic points throughout the hospital communicates with the Safetycards or the Safetycard app on smart phones and relays real-time location information to first responders. This information can assist in the orderly evacuation of the premises in an emergency situation such as a fire or an active shooter. The Safetycard app works in harmony with the run, hide, fight, evacuate modus operandi.

Uses a SAAS system to communicate positioning and signaling data from techers and students and allows access to first responders. The Safetycard is a patented IoT sensory device that wirelessly interacts with sign beacons, and is connected to the cloud.

The Behavior modification system uses a unique reward system to alert the Safetycard wearer to signs beacons, and communicates data to the safety officer through an AI engine. The proper use of PPE is monitored and used in training good safety behavior habits using a feedback loop from non-compliance behavior to reward.

An industrial level communictions network. Using a robust mesh network that can communicate in electronically noisy industrial environments, without relying on established point to point networking, ensures data transfer of critical events. For example, if a forklift, interrupts a signal the signal re-routes on the mesh network, or if someone falls behind a structure the signal will send endpoint to endpoint to get to the gateway.


Alerts are created real time 24/7 and the Safety officer or company manager is notified for slip and fall or bump, checklists not completed, PPE non-compliance and operator training levels.

The AI engine also monitors evacuations and runs the buddy points system. The AI learns and is configurable to change alert tolerances. This eliminates false positives. The buddy system has AI built in to prevent misuse of trying to get buddy points.

Safety officers can configure the way the AI engine works and prioritizes events. This allows the SO to build a custom system specific to their industry and requirments. The main areas are PPE compliance, checklists, training and qualification, slip and fall or bump. For example, a checklist can have, a pre use of machinery checks, line checks, lock in lock out test, material loading check, and training levels for the operator. The sequence and alert levels of these can be configured.

Results of the safetycard system

Increased communication, key to employees, firefighters, EMT people, workers, office employees, for OSHA compliance, corporate, managers and supervisors. Recording events and communication provides data for legal claims and mitigation. For evacuatios and active shooters, first responders, knowing where people are, is a big tactical advantage.

The Safetycard is a new level of Environmental Health and Safety and marries to the existing security badge. A patented process.

Both office workers and those exposed to dangers in the workplace benefit from the Safetycard. The Safetycard monitors evacuations, training levels, using the sign beacons. With a robust mesh network, designed for industrial environments, the Safetycard system logs events integrated into a UI on a web app, designed for today's safety officer who face unparalleled and ever increasing demands. Using dedicated hardware, the system enables a higher level of communication to stay ahead of new requirements of the modern day, like active shooters and the dangers that come with a higher level of automation and machinery used on modern shop floors.

safety training observation
System monitors training levels

Safety training for equipment operation is matched to the use of equipment, vehicles and PPE compliance. Observation data for who is complying with procedures, orderliness and required training for tools and equipment, is provided.

Train positive behavior without reprimands

System assist in observing and focusing on unsafe acts helps eliminate injuries, and positive reinforcement using the buddy system and compliance rewards.

Reinforcing safe work practices

Through training and positive reinforcement, safe work practices become habitually aware. It is essential for the SO to perform their tasks, like looks for clues, like reactions to your presence. Check each personas head to toe for PPE use. Plan for the unexpected, observe hazards where are people standing. Check that tools and equipment are used correctly and in good condition. Our industrial phycologists, studies and practices understand that it takes more than following a behavior, or habit, as reaction to changing safety hazards requires congosis to be in the present. The Safetycard system changes things up, and initiates a thoughtful response. That is the key to the system.

Mundane tasks of observation and recording

PPE compliance, checklist and slip and fall are recorded on the network. Tagging and BUDDY help is recorded without paperwork. EDI to compliance paperwork is all integrated. Case management utilizes all the data. Easy access to recorded information is such a far cry from recording checklists on paper and placing them in huge piles, a common practise. Searching out data by employee, in itself as a valuable tool.