EHS IoT technology

Good safety Behavior habits formed by safety sign awareness

The school Security Officer

The school security officer is responsible for the setup and monitoring of the system which communicates with the 911 emergency system. The Safetycard gives the teacher a dedicated communication device that relays positioning and alert data. The critical factor of knowing where everybody is, for the first responders and school admin changes the response landscape. The school plays a pivotal role in managing the system from the initial optimal placement of the sign beacons to ensuring well-designed evacuation plans are proven and tested on a regular basis. Use of the Safety card technology can improve response in incidents and reduce the time taken for evacuations as the real-time information provided is used in practise drills and real scenarios for critical response decision making

The Safetycards are worn by all the teachers. They can also be worn by the onside security gaurds. The Safetycard electronically marries to the security card, so can be swapped at any time but will still identify the wearer. The Safetycard is always active, monitoring for slip and fall, movement and interactions with Sign Beacons. The battery is monitored by the system and has a very long life, many months, and can we swapped at any time without any reconfiguration.

Sign Beacons
Sign beacons are strategically placed by the Security officer.
See setup and locations of Sign Beacons

Interaction of Safetycards with Sign beacons
Teachers wearing Safetycards interact with Sign beacons which creates data transactions that are processed by the AI engine.
See storyboard of wearing the Safetycards

Run to Exit
The Indoor Positioning System (IPS) tracks students exiting.

The Security officer may be a full time member of the staff or a police officer on special duty. He would have access to the location information vital for orderly evacuation and would be the coordinator with the first responders. For fire and intruder evacuations the Safetycard asists in approximate location and accounting for people as they pass exit signs

Here are some interesting facts:
Critical location data

Where is the shooter? Where are the teacers and students? This is critical data made available to first responders. The Shooters location is determined using AI based on movement of the people during an incident.

NOT! - Big brother watching you

the system does not disclose data. Only authorized emergency responders are able to see data.


Being cyber secure keeps you and the company safe. Ever seen a movie where the operation to getting into the company starts with a cyber-attack. Being Cyber safe keeps you safe. The Safetycard records access and links it to proximity. It does not prevent, but rather alerts to possible cybersecurity events An example case, in a hospital, where a wearer of a stolen security card with an issued Safetycard in an area which was not normally accessed, was highlighted by the system.