Users demand privacy, and to control their content. The use of location using both (IPS) Indoor Position System and GPS on maps combined with data on roles and relationships is allowing AI to enable the user to control content and privacy. Three data points are input into the AI namely the location of the user, even if indoors, the location of the person or thing or event like an appointment, and thirdly the relationship between the two in a hierarchy or group. These three we will call, my location, my event, and my hierarchy, and are the data points applied to the AI rules to drive content, access, and data sharing. The MyGmap app uses this simple concept to build many SaaS solutions using a google maps UI with google indoors showing my locations and my events. The UI for my hierarchy is the BIT13 browser where the user can move around a 13-position window of their hierarchy or group. If you like using your navigation map you will love seeing it work with your controlled content and privacy and its fun to see your relationships displayed in this way. The built in features is configured by the company we SaaS solution providers, like MedLyft, AgentUp, EHS Safetycard, School Safety, and PGA golf coaches.