Register in Sing Play Love products

Register for: 100
* Registers all the books in the kit
* Register a book

* Click all that apply:


* What is the zip code of the shipping address for your product?

School contact email:

Sing Play Love number:

* enter your book or kit number with no dashes.

* If you purchased a TEACHING KIT, the product number is in red on the back of your kit packaging insert.
* If purchased a SINGLE BOOK KIT, the product number is in red on the back cover of your book in the lower corner.

* you can register multiple books or kits then go BOOK or KIT.

* finished register go to BOOK.
* finished register go to KIT.

* official use only
* source AmaZREGISTsiploveW

for email not registered in wix - 97-8-194559-82-4 -
for email not registered in wix - 978-1-945598-24-1 -
for email not registered in wix - ---- -